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EXO Itu Perpaduan DBSK, SJ, dan SHINee

Hi guys….
How are you?


Nah kali ini, saya (mimin blog ini) sebagai penggemar EXO mau memaparkan konsep EXO-menurut pikiranku sendiri-, hehehhe…
EXO kan terdiri atas 12 anggota yang terbagi dalam dua subgrup yaitu EXO-K dan EXO-M.
Kalian pasti udah tau lah ya anggota masing-masing subgrupnya, jadi miimin gak perlu nulis lagi, hehhehee… *mian

Lanjut ke inti pembahasan. Menurut mimin sih konsep EXO itu keren beeuuudddhhh!!! asli! suer!
Kalian tahu DBSK? Apa yang menarik dari mereka?
Tampang oke, suara oke, penampilan cowok banget! Ahh… pokoknya manly lah. 🙂
Nah konsep DBSK yang dimasukkan ke EXO itu bagian suaranya. Keren banget lah suara anak-anak EXO ini, khususnya DO, Chen, dan Baekhyun. Hmm… sebenarnya Luhan dan Suho juga bagus, tapi kan yang disebut lead vocal cuma DO, Baekhyun, dan Chen. Ya kan, ya kan?

Sekarang kita lihat dari konsep jumlah anggota. Mirip banget lah sama Super Junior. Grup dengan banyak anggota. Nah… karena setiap anggota mempunyai karakter masing-masing yang khas dan unik, setiap anggota mempunyai nama fans tersendiri. Hanya saja mungkin nama fans untuk EXO ini belum ada yang resmi. Nama fanbase-nya aja belum ada yang resmi kan? Ada yang bilang nama fans-nya EXOTIC, ada pula yang lainnya, entahlah… saya belum tahu banyak tentang fans EXO. hehehe… maaf.

Yang ketiga, dari segi wajah ya ampuuuunnnnn….. charming banget! Wajah-wajah member EXO itu tampak seusiaan sama SHINee. Ahh pokoknya saya gak bisa ngomong dan ngejelasin banyak, yang jelas EXO itu perpaduan antara DBSK, Super Junior, dan SHINee, jadilah EXO. ^^

Ini tidak mutlak loh ya, hanya pendapatku saja. 😉

Now I’ll tell my opinion about EXO’s concept.
EXO consist of 12 members, 6 members in EXO-K, and 6 others in EXO-M.
EXO-K promoting in Korean and EXO-M in Mandarin/Chinese.
EXO-K members are Kai, Suho, DO, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Sehun. EXO-M members are Kris, Xiumin, Chen, Lay, Luhan, and Tao.
I’ll not describe about the personality of the members, but I’ll explain about the concept of the group from my point of view.
EXO consist of 12 member. Do you know Super Junior? Super Junior have many members. At first, SJ consist of 12 members too, but since Kyuhyun join the group, total members in SJ are 13 people. Based on the numbers, EXO and Super Junior are same. Also with the concept of subgroup. SJ have subgroup SJ-M who promoting in Chinese, and EXO have EXO-M who promoting in Chinese. Beside that, EXO have 3 member who has same charismatic with SJ’s members. Suho’s charisma same as Siwon, Lay’s charisma same as Donghae, and Xiumin’s charisma same as Sungmin.

Let’s move to the another side.
Based on vocal character, EXO’s vocals are very powerfull. It’s same as DBSK/TVXQ. So manly and very very very powerfull. Baekhyun and Chen’s voices were very high and strong, similiar as Changmin’s voice. COOL! GREAT! BEAUTIFUL! AMAZING! I love their voices.

And the third is about EXO’s faces/looks. They are very young and charming. Based on the looks, they are same as SHINee. Young, charming, full of energy, and charismatic. Do you agree with me?
SHINee’s members are charming and have cute face. They’re depict about the adolescent who cute, charming, and charismatic. They are depict about young teenagers.

So, EXO have many mambers, powerfull vocals, and charming faces. All of that factors make them strong and can be the next of Super Junior or DBSK or SHINee. EXO can be the next KING OF K-POP and I’m sure they’ll be love by everyone in the world. I hope so!

It’s only my opinion about EXO’s concept. If you have your own opinions, please share it in the comment box.


I'm Robita, an Indonesian who loves writing than speaking, loves singing and playing music, and prefers to be quiet than arguing. Don’t forget to subscribe! Terima kasih, thank you, Dankeschön! Contact me through email: r162.id@gmail.com.

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